Monday 8 September 2008

First Incisionless Natural Orifice Surgery Completed On A Child

�EndoGastric Solutions (EGS), the recognized leader in the emerging field of Natural Orifice Surgery (NOS), proclaimed that its innovative EsophyX� device was used to complete the first e'er incisionless transoral NOS surgical process on a child. The 10-year-old male child had suffered from continuing GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) for age and was successfully treated by Todd Overcash, M.D., at Munroe Medical Center in Ocala, Florida, wHO performed a TIF (Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication) surgery victimization the EsophyX device.

The youth had been on a stratum of acid-blocking drugs called "PPIs" (proton pump inhibitors) for several years to treat austere acid ebb. His disease had progressed to the point where he was no thirster responding adequately to the pharmacologic treatments. Although moderate to wicked acid reflux, or GERD, is typically treated with medications such as PPIs and histamine receptor antagonists (H2 blockers), these drugs have side effects and can lose their potency over fourth dimension.

According to Dr. Overcash, the juvenility, who had a ripen esophagus, no longer had a useable gastroesophageal valve to forestall the "reflux" of stomach acid into the gorge. The youth's parents were also interested about the well-known adverse effects of long-term exercise of PPIs, including osteomalacia (inadequate absorption of ca and other minerals into the castanets, essential to bone health).

The 30-minute TIF2 procedure, the in vogue procedural development made possible by the EsophyX device, was performed by Dr. Overcash victimisation the EGS' EsophyX device to rebuild the youth's antireflux roadblock at the gastroesophageal colligation, restoring its natural anatomical geometry to effectively treat GERD. Designed specially for performing incisionless reconstructive gastrointestinal procedures, the EsophyX device is introduced into the body through the mouth, rather than through an abdominal incision. The TIF procedure, which emulates the gold-standard Nissen procedure, is based on many days of proved surgical concepts and techniques. There are no outside incisions or internal dissections involved in the process. A conventional endoscope provides visualization. The advantages of incisionless surgery over laparoscopic or open surgery include shorter hospital stay, rock-bottom patient soreness, shortened patient recovery, no scars, and typically higher patient satisfaction. In increase, the operation does non alter the patient's future medical or surgical options.

The 10-year-old was laid-off from Munroe Medical Center the day after the procedure. One week later his parents are reportedly still thrilled with the initial results and suppose their son is now completely off of PPIs.

"I receive now completed over one hundred EsophyX procedures on adults with great results," said Dr. Overcash. "With the decline of Nissen Fundoplications, thither needs to be a better choice for patients suffering with GERD, a degenerative disease. EsophyX enables surgeons to treat this disease to begin with in its progression. There is no reason we can't do the same procedure on a child with a mature esophagus. My patient was already on a triple dosage of PPIs at 10 years of age, and his parents were worried about the long-term effects PPIs volition have on a level-headed, active boy," he added.

Thomas Krummel, M.D., the Susan B. Ford Surgeon-in-Chief at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital and Director of the Surgical Innovation Program at Stanford Medical Center, commented, "The increasing number of children and teenagers with GERD is a serious concern for parents, the medical community, beau monde, and first and foremost, for the children and teenagers themselves. Currently, their only options are passably significant life style changes, womb-to-tomb pharmaceutical treatments, and in some cases a surgical procedure, all of which are identical challenging for both the children and their parents. The EsophyX TIF process might be an ideal solution for some of these patients, since it provides a long-lasting restoration of the normal anatomic sphincter, allowing kids to get totally off of pharmaceuticals, and can be fine-tuned sporadically throughout the life of the patient. It is the low of a new wave of incisionless natural porta surgical procedures added to the surgeon's armamentarium. Our surgeons at both Stanford Hospital and at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital and will be starting both an adult and a pediatric syllabus using this new engineering in the very nigh future," he concluded.

EsophyX and StomaphyX�, EGS' other NOS surgical device, are the first-class honours degree devices to come from the proprietary NOS platform technology developed by EGS. According to the company, over the next several years the platform will spawn a number of other innovational incisionless NOS devices for treating a range of upper GI and former gastric atmospheric condition for both adults and adolescents.

"EndoGastric Solutions is very majestic to have played a key role in providing a result to what was becoming a withering problem for this boy and his family," aforesaid Thierry Thaure, President and Chief Executive Officer of EndoGastric Solutions. "GERD is a serious disease with serious consequences if not treated efficaciously. EGS is working with both Munroe Medical Center and Stanford to offer the EsophyX and TIF2 procedures to an progressively diverse patient population including children and adolescents," he added.

About EndoGastric Solutions

EndoGastric Solutions (EGS) is a privately held corporation located in Redmond, Washington, and Redwood City, California. EGS is a pioneer in developing incisionless transoral procedures for the intervention of upper berth gastrointestinal conditions, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other GI conditions. EsophyX� and StomaphyX� are cleared by the FDA, CE marked, and available for sale in the U.S. and other parts of the world.

For more information around EndoGastric Solutions, Inc., EsophyX and StomaphyX please chaffer:



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